Baby boy abandoned by parents and buried alive rescued after spending 10 days in a shallow grave.

Thee authorities reported unbelievable case of rescuing a babyboy buried alive for ten days.

His parents abandoned him because he was born with birth defect of a cleft lip.

Thousands babies with conprivate part defects are abandoned every year in China. But this case gained notoriety.

The boy was born on April 20 and was taken by parents from hospital 4 days later after treatment for a high fever.

“Normal parents ask the hospital to provide a birth certificate and arrange for medical insurance, but this family didn't want a birth certificate and left immediately after paying the bill,” told press Wu Weili, deputy director of pediatrics at the hospital, who also admitted that “we do not know what exactly happened during the period of time when the baby was discharged from the hospital on April24, and when he was admitted to the hospital again on May 4.”

Local officials told that parents, who wanted to get rid of their baby, hired a man on April 24 for $290 to bury their child. Ten days after a woman picking herbs in the wilderness heard child wailing from his shallow grave.

At first she thought it is the spirit and called local priest, who, in turn called police and nearby villagers who rescued the baby and sent him back to hospital.

Upon arrival baby boy weighed only 5.9 pounds while when he was born his weight was 7.8 pounds.

Doctors say that baby could survive because rainwater seeping into the grave provided the boy with sufficient moisture to keep him alive.

Five people including parents, two grandmothers of a little survivor and a man who buried him alive were charged for attempted murder.

His parents were released on bail and are now trying to regain custody of their child.

However, local officials told after lucky baby boy is nursed back to health, he would be put into the care of social services most likely.

The doctors say the baby can be discharged out of hospital this week.

Earlier there was a reported case of a baby girl survival after she was buried alive for two hours because her parents believed she was stillborn.


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