Grace means free and undeserved favor, especially of God. In order words, grace means unmerited divine assistance given to humans for their regeneration or sanctification. It is so pertinent today that, many Christians of nowadays did not really understand the purpose of God grace upon their lives thereby negating the purpose why such grace is been given to them. Many don’t realize that their been alive today was by God grace which is met for a certain mission to be accomplish but many fail to realize this, so, what is the purpose of such grace of been alive for? Many enjoy the grace of multiple talents such as singing, dancing etc but rather
than using it for the edification of God they were busying using it for the edification of their own pleasure and satisfaction. so, what is the essence of such grace?  Many were still alive today through God grace but busying boasting around thinking it was by their own knowledge or power that kept them alive but they forget what the Bible says in Ephesians 2:8-9 for by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.” Also many swim in sins but still leaving thinking God did not seen their acts but forgotten that it was God grace they were still enjoying is the one acting as a preventing measure for their condemnation which is been confirm in the book of Ephesians 2:5 which says “even when we were dead in sins, halt quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) ” So, for as many who is enjoying this God grace of salvation what have you been able to do with this grace of God upon your life?
It is good to know that God’s grace has provided not only for salvation but for every need of our lives. The provision of God grace is not based on whether you are reading the Bible enough, praying, going to Church, or even paying your tithes. Before you ever had financial need, God created the provision. Before you were sick, God, through grace, provide your healing (1Pet.  2:24). before you ever became discourage, God bless you with all spiritual blessing (Eph. 1:3). But the question now is, what have we been able to give in return of all this grace? Many enjoy the grace to be vocal so that such people can evangelize the word of God to the world but they refused to do so, what is the essence of the grace. Many enjoy the grace of wealth to help the needy but refuse to do so, what is your grace for? 
 In conclusion, many of us today clamor for God grace and the one been given to us in the time past we cannot give account for it because we did not make effective use of it which is a big sin in the sight of God and we fail to put into consideration what the Bible says “that we can’t stay in sin and say God grace should abound.” Finally we should have it at the back of our mind that we will give an account on every grace which the Lord gave to us on the last day because he (God) is coming to reward every one according to what we do. (Rev 12:22).


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